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Come-as-you-are party!

Who hasn't done this - fallen in love with and bought a stunning piece of clothing? The color was perfect, the fit fabulous and it was on sale! The only problem is now it's just hanging in the closet because it does not quite “click” with anything else in there. It's still lovely, just lonely, and looking for a friend.

We’re here to help!

Terston celebrates the eclectic, the distinctive, the stylish, and we will find a friend for your lonely, lovely piece. Join us on Wednesday, June 8th at 5:30pm for a “Come-as-you-are, and Leave Looking Lovely” party! Bring in that rogue piece and let us style you. It’s what we do best. And you know you can count on us to be honest. If you look great, we look great. And if we say “Better to toss it”, trust us!

Weddings are happening, parties are popping and we’re going to get you ready. The store is filled with color, pattern, and plenty of must-haves. We’ll enjoy some girl time, a glass of wine, a delectable nibble or two, and send you home with a smile on your face.

Please RSVP at 860-927-1255 or email (and just say “Yes.” You will be glad you did.)

Hope to see you June 8th - we'll be giving away gifts with purchase too!


PS feel free to invite a friend :)


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